
"To travel is to live"

- Hans Christian Anderson

Our Destinations

Let us curate your dream holiday, a holiday you will truly enjoy, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Why choose Peacock Tours for your holidays?

Tailor-made Luxury

  • Specialising in affordable luxury holidays for the discerning traveller.
  • Your entire holiday is curated around your wishes and needs.
  • Choose from our hand-picked luxurious accommodation.
  • Choose your interests from wellness, wildlife, beaches, nature, heritage, cuisine, or tranquility.

Expert Knowledge

  • The British founders of Peacock Tours were "born and bred" in Sri Lanka and have deep knowledge of the island's landscape and heritage.
  • Peacock Tour's business partner is one of the oldest tour operators on the island - highly experienced and have run for over 50 years and counting.
  • Founders of Peacock Tours are well-travelled.

Trusted Service

  • Your booking funds are fully protected by Protected Trust Service (PTS) and ATOL.
  • ATOL Certificate with every booking.
  • Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) "Travel Aware" Partner.
  • 24/7 emergency support by our partners at the destination from time of arrival to time of departure.

What Our Customers Are Saying

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Person's Name

Nullam dictum feugiat pulvinar. Pellentesque eros orci, sodales sollicitudin tellus in, interdum consequat nisl. Vestibulum mattis hendrerit lorem, a congue quam placerat quis. Cras dictum magna mollis leo malesuada maximus. Sed fermentum at quam fringilla feugiat. Curabitur vestibulum, eros vel…

Person's Name

Phasellus sed lectus porta, convallis urna quis, ornare massa. Vestibulum tempor eu nibh tempus varius. Ut at rhoncus augue. Nullam sit amet est leo. Proin et sodales velit. Nulla viverra velit vitae nunc viverra dignissim.

Person's Name

Nullam et lacus luctus, finibus tortor sit amet, faucibus massa. Quisque ut consectetur magna. Proin faucibus, urna at rhoncus vestibulum, nibh magna faucibus ipsum, vitae ornare velit magna vitae risus.

Person's Name

Aliquam placerat, arcu nec maximus elementum, ligula lorem imperdiet nunc, id pretium nibh eros id ante. Suspendisse consectetur malesuada nulla, id consectetur ex ullamcorper eget.

Person's Name

Interested in a holiday?

Get in touch with our team to discuss your requirements

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